Tunisian Food

mardi 27 janvier 2015
Description of the project
The English Club in the Pioneer Prep School of monastir has prepared this project under the supervision of Mrs. Besma Maraoui. The project is concerned essentially with traditional food in Tunisia. The aim of the project is to draw students' attention to the nutritional value of traditional food and encourage them to consume it and invite them to think before choosing to consume the junk and fast foods which are invading our market and changing teens' tastes. The pupils have investigated their peers consumption of traditional foods and their attitudes towards it , their preferences and provided some recipes of Tunisian traditional meals. They have also explored different ways of preserving traditional foods. Another objective of the project is to exchange information and discover attitudes of teenagers in other schools in different parts of the world towards their own traditional meals and exchange some recipes. Hence, we got contributions of the participating schools concerned with traditional foods in their countries and some of their recipes. The project is done within the framework of "Learning Circles" under the supervision of Barry Kramer, the facilitator of the Learning Circles Project which is one of the projects of the International Education and Resources Network (i-EARN). The facilitators of this current circle are: Gina Denbow and Cheryl Russell, both from Canada.The pupils prepared powerpoint presentations and videos of some dishes and received presentations of different schools which will figure in the blog as well. Within the club pupils made different outings to collect pictures and information about the different projects of other schools, they made contributions which will also show on the blog.
Circle Teachers And Schools
Circle Teachers and Schools
+ Gina Denbow ----- Wilson's Beach, New
Brunswick, Canada
+ Cheryl Russell ----- St. Stephen, New
Brunswick, Canada
Muneeza Akhtar ----- Lahore, Punjab,
Natasha Belozorovich ---- Starye Dorogi,
Minsk Region, Belarus
Magda Blasco ----- Tarragona, Spain
Kelly Carter ----- Wheeling, West
Virginia, United States
Olena Lukianets ----- Kyiv Ukraine
Besma Maraoui ----- Monastir, Tunisia
Mayuri Sapre ----- Silvassa, India
Christy Tomah ----- Hartland, New
Brunswick, Canada
mardi 13 janvier 2015
Our Project
The presentation is concerned with some recipes and videos of some traditional dishes including couscous, lablabi and briks
Some recipes of traditional dishes
This is a presentation answering different questions in relation to Tunisians' habits regarding traditional foods, their nutritional values and what is done to preserve them and encourage their consumption by teenagers.
Traditional Food in Tunisia
In this presentation pupils tried to introduce some of the traditional dishes and their historical origins together with detailed recipes with ingredients and pictures
Origins and recipes
Some recipes of traditional dishes
This is a presentation answering different questions in relation to Tunisians' habits regarding traditional foods, their nutritional values and what is done to preserve them and encourage their consumption by teenagers.
Traditional Food in Tunisia
In this presentation pupils tried to introduce some of the traditional dishes and their historical origins together with detailed recipes with ingredients and pictures
Origins and recipes
Our contributions
The students have worked on different projects of other schools about the foods we grow and their importance in the economy of the country. The students have attended an olive collecting and took part in the different steps of olive harvest. They also visited an oil mill and noticed the different operations of extracting oil and other sub-products. They took pictures and videos of the different operations.
Oill Press
This presentation is the outcome of our visit to an olive orchard. The pupils attended olive harvest and took part in the different steps of olive harvest from collecting dead olives under the trees to putting the harvested product in sacks to take to the mill.
Olive Harvest
The pupils also worked on modern and old architecture as a participation in the project of Belarus.
Sights of Monastir
Some pupils have worked on a project suggested by a school in Canada about "Places from our Perspective" dealing with the places pupils prefer and why they like them. Two pupils worked on Jerba and Hammamet.
Places from our perspective
Pupils have worked on the national dress in Tunisia. They visited the museum of traditional clothes and investigated the different garments for men and women in the past and the occasions they wore them. They asked questions and took notes. they also took pictures. Working on national dress also included teenagers' ways of dressing and the different school uniforms of boys and girls in different levels and different types of schools.
National dress
The pupils had an outing to an oil press in Monastir. They assisted the different operations of oil extraction and took pictures and videotaped certain steps. They also discovered many things thtat can be produced from olive oil and even the pomace which used to be thrown away. Today this pomace is used to produce soap and cosmetic products. Even the remains of seeds are used to feed animals.
Oil Extraction
Oill Press
This presentation is the outcome of our visit to an olive orchard. The pupils attended olive harvest and took part in the different steps of olive harvest from collecting dead olives under the trees to putting the harvested product in sacks to take to the mill.
Olive Harvest
The pupils also worked on modern and old architecture as a participation in the project of Belarus.
Sights of Monastir
Some pupils have worked on a project suggested by a school in Canada about "Places from our Perspective" dealing with the places pupils prefer and why they like them. Two pupils worked on Jerba and Hammamet.
Places from our perspective
Pupils have worked on the national dress in Tunisia. They visited the museum of traditional clothes and investigated the different garments for men and women in the past and the occasions they wore them. They asked questions and took notes. they also took pictures. Working on national dress also included teenagers' ways of dressing and the different school uniforms of boys and girls in different levels and different types of schools.
National dress
The pupils had an outing to an oil press in Monastir. They assisted the different operations of oil extraction and took pictures and videotaped certain steps. They also discovered many things thtat can be produced from olive oil and even the pomace which used to be thrown away. Today this pomace is used to produce soap and cosmetic products. Even the remains of seeds are used to feed animals.
Oil Extraction
other school contributions
Many schools in different parts of the world cotributed to our project by providing information about their traditional meals and some easy recipes to enable students to try and appreciate foods of other countries and compare them to theirs. The aim is to encourage teenagers to comsume tradtional dishes and stop resorting to junk and fast foods. It's also an attempt to exchange information and opinions with other students in the participating countries and build bridges of understanding and cooperation between teenagers throughout the world.
This is the contribution of Ukraine
National Food
This is a contribution from CANADA
Traditionalfoods St. Stepheners like
This is another contribution from Canada. Precisely from Campobello Island
Traditional Foods-Campobello NB CANADA
This contribution comes from BELARUS
Traditional Dishes
This is the contribution of Ukraine
National Food
This is a contribution from CANADA
Traditionalfoods St. Stepheners like
This is another contribution from Canada. Precisely from Campobello Island
Traditional Foods-Campobello NB CANADA
This contribution comes from BELARUS
Traditional Dishes
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